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Act 1220 Event Days

Procedures for School Events or “9 Special Event Days”

  • Schools may provide any snack or beverage deemed appropriate by school officials on nine (9) days during the school year.
  • The nine (9) days apply to the entire school (LEA/Building) and not to individual classrooms.
  • The “Special Event Days” should be planned in advance.  If a “Special Event Day” is likely to impact the number of students eating breakfast or lunch, notify the school’s cafeteria manager so the number of meals produced may be adjusted.
  • Enter the “Event Day” into the eSchool Calendar.  The description is “Act1220 Exempt Event Days”, and the code is “9DY.”
  • Per Arkansas Food Code, items brought from home must be commercially prepared and packaged.
  • These items may not be given in the food service areas during meal service.

2024-2025 Dates
September 27
October 31
November 22
December 20
January 31
February 28
March 21
April 30
May 23 (or the last day of school if date changes)